fruit salad with honey, lime and mint America's best food blog

Make this fruit salad with honey, lime and mint for someone you love (you love yourself, RIGHT?!). You may even want to share

Feed your loved one with your fingers and let the honey, lime and fruit juices mingle whist they run down your arm. I hope you’ve already put the kids to bed, you don’t want to be disturbed while you eat this.

PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS TO WORK FOR LUNCH! Trust me, it’s too delicious…it’s almost sinful. You may become so overcome with delight while you eat this that your jealous co-workers will report you to H.R..

This fruit salad is best eaten immediately after making…and while you’re eating it there should be soft music playing…I’d suggest anything by Luther Vandross

I used the Sourwood honey gifted to me from my friends at Bee Wild Honey. Read all about them HERE.

fruit salad with honey, lime and mint America's best food blog

Let’s look at it again, shall we? Yes, we shall.

fruit salad with honey, lime and mint America's best food blog

There’s no real recipe for this. I used watermelon, honeydew, strawberries and cherries adorned with two torn mint leaves. Mint can over power the whole thing so just use a little bit. Slather it all in a dressing of 2 tablespoons of Sourwood honey (which has a very mild flavor and light amber color) and about 1 teaspoon of fresh lime juice. If you’re feeling particularly frisky, sprinkle the tiniest pinch of Himalayan pink sea salt on a piece of fruit just before you slide it into your mouth. It’s just about as close to heaven as you can come without actually dying.


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