It was one of those days. Everyone was doing their own thing. The kids were in the same room watching some foolishness on TV, The Man was working on our new budget and I was “Pinning” and watching “Bizarre Foods, America” and then….STATIC.  Cable is out, internet is down,  WiFi disconnected. So now what?  This was a good excuse to get outside and get a little dirty.

I had some raspberry and blackberry plants that needed to get into the ground so the kids and I went outside and dug some holes. I think it was my son who got the idea to start a fire in the fire pit…and where there’s fire there are  hot dogs. One trip to the grocery store later we were impaling the hot dogs on skewers and roasting them ( and our knuckles ) and talking and laughing and sipping sweet tea and having a really great time. The Man was even inspired to make some chili for the hot dogs. It was a good day