Bishops Coffee and Tea is a sweet little shop on Monroe Drive in Atlanta. The bubbly Ms. Bishop shared her expansive knowledge of tea with us and her passion for all things tea was evident. She certainly has spent a massive amount of time learning her craft and is excited to share

The tea tins give brewing instructions including proper time and water temperature. Here’s a tea tip from Bishop; If you like your tea on the stronger side increase the amount of loose tea you’re using NOT the time you brew it. If you brew your tea longer you’ll end up with a bitter drink.

Bishop provided a wonderful seminar on the wide variety of white, black, green, oolong and herbal teas she provides. I bought some Moroccan Mint tea while I was there but the tea I really wanted, (I’m Not Sick tea containing chamomile with notes of lemongrass) sold out 10 minutes before I arrived. No worries, I can order it by phone or online.

…and I had to take an iced coffee to go. I HAD to! and it was delicious.