How to make the best grilled pizza at home

home depot kingsford hardwood charcoal best grilled pizza

How to make the best grilled pizza at home with Kingsford Hardwood Charcoal. This post is sponsored by The Home Depot, however, all opinions are my own

My son told me the other day that grilled pizza is his favorite meal that I make for the family. A few days later when my daughter came home from college she said the same thing! Of all the recipes I make for the family grilled pizza is the thing they like the most. That really touched my heart and I got a little emotional. I knew that the whole family likes when I make grilled pizza but I had no idea that it was their “FAVORITE“! If I had known that I would have made it a lot more often.

Let me share my homemade pizza dough recipe with you and show you how I make the most delicious grilled pizza at home so you can make it for your loved ones. I’m sure they’ll love it as much as my family does.

FIRST, make homemade pizza dough and sauce

home depot kingsford hardwood charcoal best grilled pizza how to make pizza dough

Many grocery stores sell uncooked pizza dough and they will work for cooking pizza on the grill but it is really simple to make at home. Here’s a link to my easy pizza dough and sauce recipes. This recipe starts with bread flour for a chewy crust. Bread flour has a higher protein content than all-purpose flour. This helps with gluten development. Mix bread flour with sugar, active dry yeast, salt, and water to make easy, homemade pizza dough.

Let the dough rise at room temperature for an hour before pressing it out and grilling. For a more developed flavor place the pizza dough in the refrigerator overnight and let come to room temperature for an hour before using.

Divide the dough into four pieces before you proceed.

NEXT, gather your toppings

Pepperoni, mushrooms, spinach, add whatever you like. Use a selection of your favorite cheeses such as mozzarella, Parmesan, and asiago cheeses. Skip the fresh mozzarella this time. It’s much too wet for topping pizza. Tear a few leaves of fresh basil for bright flavor. Get the whole family involved in choosing toppings. They’ll enjoy customizing their own personal pizzas.


home depot kingsford hardwood charcoal best grilled pizza chimny starter

Now is the time to light your grill. I’m filling my chimney starter with Kingsford Hardwood Charcoal for a clean, consistent, long burning fire. Loosely pack some newspaper (if you can find some newspaper these days) into the bottom of the chimney starter. PRO TIP: drizzle about a teaspoon or so of vegetable oil on the newspaper to get the fire going. Fill the top part with Kingsford Hardwood Charcoal Briquettes. Light the newspaper and let the briquettes burn until they are covered in white ash.

home depot kingsford hardwood charcoal best grilled pizza

Build a two-zone fire so you will have a hot side and a cooler side on your grill. Place your pizza dough on the hot side of the grill for 2 minutes per side to cook the dough and get some nice grill marks.

Remove the pizza crust from the grill and lightly cover it with your favorite toppings. Return the pizza to the cooler side of the grill where there are no coals and cover the grill. This will allow the pizza to bake and cheese to get nice and melted. Cook the pizza for about five minutes then remove it to a cutting board to slice and serve. Repeat with the rest of your pizza dough.

But wait, THERE’S MORE!

home depot kingsford hardwood charcoal best grilled pizza at home Sweet Savant America's best food blogger

The Kingsford Hardwood Charcoal briquettes will still be burning nice and hot long after you’ve made your pizzas so make sure you have some steaks, vegetables, and shrimp to throw in the grill. Make it more than pizza night, make it a party. I’m sure your family will love it as much as mine do!

I acknowledge that The Home Depot is partnering with me to participate in the promotional program described above (the “Program”). As part of the Program I am receiving compensation in the form of products and services for the purpose of promoting The Home Depot. All expressed opinions and experiences are my own words. My post complies with the Word Of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) Ethics Code and applicable Federal Trade Commission guidelines

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