Vidalia onions
Sweet Vidalia Onions-Kimchi Style VisforVIDALIA
Ever since we returned from our visit to Vidalia Georgia I have been OBSESSED (more…)
Georgia’s Top Chefs Compete for the Golden Onion in Vidalia
Are you ready for part three of my Vidalia Onion coverage? Who knew onions were so interesting (more…)
Students Compete “Chopped” Style in Vidalia, GA
DAY TWO of our visit to VIdalia, GA during the Onion Festival and there was SO much going on here. Carnivals, concerts, a craft fair,even the Blue Angels (more…)
Vidalia Onions From Farm to Table
We just got back from our weekend trip to Vidalia, GA and I’ve got LOT of unpacking to do, literally and figuratively. My overnight bag is on the floor and my goodie bag (more…)
Summer Salad Series-Shredded and Pickled Veggie Salad
This simple and delicious salad is full of fresh, raw vegetables lightly brined with apples cider vinegar. Pickling the onions takes some of the “bite” out of them and picking softens the cucumbers a bit. The carrots and sugar snap peas retain (more…)
Vidalia Onion Pancake Recipe
We picked up a bag of Vidalia onions on our way back from a Spring break trip to Florida. Well, I the guy at the roadside stand near the Florida/Georgia border claimed (more…)