movie night snacks America's best food blog

Family Movie Night at home is a great way to reconnect with my husband and kids after a long week. It gets more and more difficult to find time in our busy schedules for us to all get together but its so important to make the effort. The kids are in high school now and they have a lot on their plates-class projects, club activities, marching band-we have to plan in advance to spend time together but its absolutely worth the effort.

My daughter is quite the movie buff, she’s contemplating a film career and has even taken an audio visual class during her first year of high school. We watched “Imitation of Life” (the 1959 version) together-a beautiful movie about race, self loathing and mother/daughter relationships. Tears were definitely shed during that one. I remember watching a VHS copy of the movie with my mom when I was a teen.

We put out a wide variety of snacks and sweets for movie night to satisfy our diverse tastes. 

Frosted rice krispie treats America's best food blog

Rice Krispie Treats are one of my daughter’s favorite snacks. If I had to guess what snack she would want this would be it

A few weeks ago we got together to watch “Maze Runner”. My son saw it in the theater when it came out but the rest of us had not. He raved about the movie and wanted us to watch it together before the second movie in the series “Maze Runner: Scorch Trials” was released. He made a great choice, “Maze Runner” was a fantastic movie for young adults and grown ups as well and now we’re all excited to see “Maze Runner: Scorch Trials”

bacon rosemary kettle corn international bacon day America's favorite food blog

This Salty/Sweet Bacon Rosemary Kettle Corn suits my son’s taste. He would eat ALL THE POPCORN in the world if he could

The Hubs and I also like to show the kids the movies we grew up on especially the ones that are getting remade, like “Ghostbusters“. It was more raunchy than I remembered (“Do you want this body?” OH MY!) but nothing inappropriate for teens. When the new Melissa McCarthy version comes out we’ll go see it and compare the two. I have high hopes for the new “Ghostbusters” I’m  big fan of Melissa McCarthy and the rest of the cast is full of a bunch of really funny people.

Pulled Pork Wonton Nachos WONTACHOS America's best food blog

Pulled Pork Wonton Nachos or WONTACHOS as I like to call them are the movie snack I would choose for my husband. The crunch wonton chips are a great snack on their own, its almost impossible not to eat them all before you make the rest of the recipe

My favorite movie to share with my family is “The Princess Bride“. I’ve watched this movie maybe a million times and I’m sure to watch it a million times more. We watch it together on Mother’s Day and even went out to see it at the Fox Theater a few weeks ago.

parmesan crisps with salami America's best food blog

I’ll be snacking on these delicious LOW CARB Parmesan Crisps made with herbs and fresh cracked black pepper. Give me these with some olives, salami and a little red wine and I’ll be a happy girl

Top Chef Stephanie Izard's cheesy chippy crumble recipe America's best food blog

This Cheesy Chippy Crumble is a DELICIOUS snack recipe I got from Top Chef Stephanie Izard. Sweet, Salty and Cheezy with oats and potato chips this snack sounds odd but trust me, it’s a real winner

“Big Fish” is next on the list for Family Movie Night. My husband and I watched it in the theater when it first came out, it’s a beautiful movie about father/son relationships. My husband has been wanting to share this movie with the kids for a while. I loved the film but it is a bit of a tear jerker

We’re all pretty excited about the new “Star Wars:The Force Awakens” movies but we need to catch up on the first six “Star Wars” movies with the kids before the new one comes out…we’ll probably skip episode one because  JARJAR.

What movies are you most looking forward to spend with friends and family? Let me know in the comments below.


6 Comments on 5 Perfect Movie Night Snacks and some GREAT Movies to watch with teens

  1. Elle
    September 19, 2015 at 6:23 am (10 years ago)

    Ooh the Rosemary bacon kettle corn sounds delicious. I want to try that. We have been slowly working our way through the Star Wars movies too. I think we are up to number 3.

    • Demetra Overton
      September 19, 2015 at 12:11 pm (10 years ago)

      I think we’re going o try to binge all six Star Wars in a weekend before the new one comes out. We’ll have to lock ourselves inside but I think we can do it!

  2. Nadeen
    September 19, 2015 at 4:33 am (10 years ago)

    What a yummy post!! Great ideas for movies and snacks.

    • Demetra Overton
      September 19, 2015 at 12:15 pm (10 years ago)

      Thanks so much Nadeen. We’re all real movie buffs. Now that the kids are older we can start to watch some flicks with more mature content.

  3. Katherine G
    September 18, 2015 at 5:46 pm (10 years ago)

    Movie night at your house sounds like a blast. Your snacks look delicious!

    • Demetra Overton
      September 18, 2015 at 7:46 pm (10 years ago)

      Thanks so much, Katherine. We love having movie nights, they allow us to spend quality time together and provide great topics for family discussions


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