Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

We stay connected with our teens by sharing the things we have in common, good food and video games are a big part of that. We hang out in our living room and play video games together but we also like to go out to eat and play. Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting is a great way for us to partake in some fun, games and food. Many thanks to the team at Andretti for inviting us out.

Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

We spent a fantastic evening bonding over food and games at Andretti Karting & Games in Roswell. We had been there many times before, there’s always something fun for everyone. We started off the night with a tasty meal, I think we had a little bit of EVERYTHING! Ribs, fries, onion rings, potato skins, quesadillas, steak salad, mac and cheese, hot much GOOD STUFF! Take a look

Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

…and let’s not forget dessert. The caramel apple crumble pie on the left had my husband’s name written ALL over it, he planned on getting this before choosing his entree. My son went with the hot  chocolate chip skillet cookie sundae. I had to sneak a bite of that and it was DELICIOUS!

Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

Once our bellies were full we went to play some games and Andretti Karting has something for everyone.

Old school games like Galaga for an old school kinda guy

Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

new school XD games like Dark Ride make you feel like you’re at an amusement park

3d video game Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

Family games like Connect Four come out of the living room in a BIG way!

Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

and updated arcade favorites like 4 person air hockey get everyone excited

Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting America's best food blog

My husband is the only one in our family that has tried the kart racing. We took him a few years ago for his birthday. Unfortunately the kids and I haven’t tried it yet. It looks like TONS of fun so we’ll have to get back soon to try that. They also have a rock wall to climb, a rope course a zip line and a bunch of other fun games to play. You can most certainly wear your family out at this place. Visit Andretti’s website to get more information

A good time was had by all! I’m glad for these family nights out, as the kids get older nights like these become even more important. It’s a great way for us to stay connected and create memories that they’ll take with them when they go off to college in a few short years.

What’s your favorite way to have a family night out? Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you!


4 Comments on Family Night Out at Andretti Indoor Karting & Games

  1. Janette
    April 13, 2016 at 4:48 pm (9 years ago)

    That food looks so delicious especially the desserts! I would love the skillet chocolate chip cookie and with ice cream to? So good

    • Demetra Overton
      April 13, 2016 at 4:52 pm (9 years ago)

      The skillet cookie sundae was DELICIOUS! I’ll definitely order that again.

  2. Ava
    April 13, 2016 at 4:45 pm (9 years ago)

    It looks like you had such a good time! I have teenagers too and I think they would love this place

    • Demetra Overton
      April 13, 2016 at 4:51 pm (9 years ago)

      We had a BALL, Ava. There really was something for all of us. I’m so glad they had games that we could all play together


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